Discover the path that’s been waiting for you.
What are you here to explore?
Hey there! I’m Cecily.
I help yoga teachers and movement educators realize their potential as creative entrepreneurs. My job is to help you feel good about the work you’re sharing with the world. I can show you:
How to use intentional movement to bring your body back to life
How to teach classes that stand apart from everything else on a normal studio schedule
How to write and talk about movement so that your offerings become irresistible to your dream clients

Ready to Follow the Detour?
If you’re here because you’ve heard how transformational Detour-style movement classes are, head over to the Detour Virtual Studio. That’s where you’ll find 100s of classes to suit your every need. All DVS members receive a weekly email with a 5-day suggested program of classes. You can also reach out to Cecily at any time for specific recommendations.
If you’re a yoga teacher looking for other like-minded black sheep—Detourists who left convention behind to embrace integrated movement education—our Teachers Community is for you. That’s where you can enroll in Detour Method Online and Detour Method Synthesis. It’s also home to our Monthly Movement Practice—a live class led by Cecily just for teachers—and ongoing events that support movement entrepreneurs. Learn more about joining the Teachers Community here.
Detourify Your Inbox
Detourists around the World
Zurishaddai Ruiz
Sol Mind Moves
Jersey City, NJ USA -
Drew Hume
Alissa Firth-Eagland
Garden Variety Moves/Yoga for TBI
Ontario, Canada -
SatPreet Kaur
SK Yoga Therapy
Austin, TX USA